Multi-disciplinary in naure                                      Focus on the whole realm of development and construction                                       Dynamic classroom e nvironment                                      Driven by marriage of theory and practice  



Last Updated on  09/25/2003

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Present Faculty

Assoc Prof Gan Cheong Eng, Present Faculty _ PM 5101 Management Systems & Practices 

"The design of the MSc (Project Management) Programme to cover the development and not only the construction process has given participants the wider perspective that projects demand of management. The modules of studies in this programme underscore the essential logic that the multidisciplinary nature of projects could only be managed successfully through firm integration of its constituent fields. The programme is also highly successful due to the right complementary mix of theory and practice."

Dr Sing Tien Foo, Present Faculty _ PM5102 Research Methodology & Statistical Analysis 

"I really enjoy teaching the module and also the interaction with students during the break. Many new research ideas have also been generated from my discussions with them and also from listening to their presentations on the application of the statistical tools to the real world problems." 
Assoc Prof Willie Tan, Present Faculty - PM5102 Research Methodology & Statistical Analysis 

"Teaching research methods at masters level has always been a challenge, not because it is more difficult, but because there are more answers from students than expected." 

Assoc Prof Yu Shi Ming, Present Faculty - PM5103 Development Management 

"Being the first time teaching on the PM course, I think the inclusion of appraisal in the module is definitely a plus for the PM students, especially since this component is included in the project which is to be done by students from both courses. Knowing the fundamental principles and practice of valuation helps the Project Manager to appreciate the decision making process and the role of valuers." 
Dr Malone-Lee Lai Choo, Present Faculty - PM5103/RE5101 Development Management 

"I have been teaching the module Development Management since 1994. It has been an enriching experience, particularly in sharing case studies and projects in development planning. The classes have always been interactive, and it is very heartening to see students enthusiastically bringing into class their development experiences, both locally and regionally. The highlights have been the residential trips to Vietnam and the Philippines - during which we gained much insight into the local development environment and many exciting new projects, and of course, made many friends" 

Assoc Prof Fu Yuming, Present Faculty _ PM 5104 Development Finance 

"I enjoyed working with the students in my development finance class. The subjects taught are demanding, but the students studied hard and asked good questions. They did an excellent job for the group project, bringing together the knowledge acquired in the class and the wealth of their individual experiences in the building industry." 
Dr Joseph Ooi, Present Faculty - PM5104 Development Finance / RE5101 Development Management 

"I taught Development Finance two years ago and this year the Real Estate Development section of RE5101. An exciting part of being involved in a graduate program such as the MSc(PM) is the diverse backgrounds of the candidates which makes teaching a stimulating experience. I believe you cannot study real estate development principles without looking at both the people who are involved in the process and the people who are the ultimate users. In the MSc(PM), you have both the professionals and the users in the same classroom." 

Assoc Prof Christopher Leong, Present Faculty - PM6102 Contract Management 

"Practice implications deliberated in a classroom arrangement comprising the same full range of project participants of various disciplines is best able to capture the full intricacies of a project's contractual landscape. In this sense, the module seldom fails to please despite it being typically heavy and dry as most contracts modules naturally tend to be. The variety of contractual issues has yet to be exhausted in my 11 years' involvement on this module, and it continues to excite and to draw a response that is no less satisfying." 
Prof George Ofori, Current Faculty - PM6104 International Project Management 

"The module on International Project Management considers questions such as why firms go abroad despite the odds against them including higher operating costs; the uncertainties they face in terms of clients, suppliers and subcontractors; and the different legal and regulatory regimes they must work within. The approach has always gone beyond the theory. We acknowledge with sincere gratitude the great deal of support we receive every year from some of the top foreign and local firms with overseas experience, as well as statutory boards, who enable their senior employees to speak at some of the sessions. The students have benefited immensely from this sharing." 
Assoc Prof Philip Chan, Present Faculty _ PM 6106 e-Project Management 

"My recent association with the MSc (Project Management) course as one of the faculty members on board the programme has opened my eyes to several strengths of the course, namely, its multi-disciplinary approach, the synergy of experiences of the programme participants comprising an international mix of different construction professions, and the annual "Pilgrimage" of enlightenment to a place of PM interest." 
Dr Goh Bee Hua, Present Faculty _ PM 6106 e-Project Management 

"The e-Project Management module follows the concept of the Internet whereby barriers to communication and information are brought down to the lowest level. The students interact and learn by exchanging experiences and thoughts on a subject that is still evolving rapidly in the global knowledge environment." 
Mr Cheah Ming Foo, Alumni & Present Faculty - PM6103 Construction Management 

Mr Eoon Hoon Eng, Alumni & Present Faculty - PM6103 Construction Management 

Dr Moonseo Park, Present Faculty - PM6101 Design Management